Is It Legal To Bury Your Pet In Your Backyard?

Is It Illegal To Bury A Dog In The Backyard
Is It Illegal To Bury A Dog In The Backyard


As pet owners, it's never easy to say goodbye to our furry friends. We often find ourselves wondering what the best way to honor their memory is. One common question that arises is whether or not it's legal to bury your pet in your backyard. In this article, we'll explore the laws and regulations surrounding pet burials in backyard settings.

What the Law Says

The laws surrounding pet burials vary depending on where you live. In some states, it's legal to bury your pet in your backyard as long as you follow certain guidelines. However, in other states, it's illegal to bury your pet on your property. It's important to research the laws in your specific area to ensure that you're following the rules.

Guidelines for Legal Backyard Burials

If it's legal in your area to bury your pet in your backyard, there are certain guidelines that you should follow. These guidelines help prevent any negative environmental impacts and ensure that the burial is done safely and respectfully.

1. Location

Choose a location that's at least three feet deep and away from any water sources. Avoid burying your pet in areas with heavy foot traffic or near property lines.

2. Container

It's recommended that you bury your pet in a container, such as a biodegradable casket or a pet-specific burial container. This helps prevent any exposure to the environment and makes it easier for the burial site to be maintained.

3. Mark the Location

It's important to mark the location of your pet's burial site. This helps prevent future disturbances and allows you to pay your respects to your pet in the future.

4. Check Local Regulations

Before burying your pet in your backyard, make sure to check your local regulations. Some areas require permits or have specific guidelines that must be followed.

Reasons Why Backyard Burials May Be Illegal

While backyard burials are legal in some areas, they're illegal in others. Here are a few reasons why backyard burials may not be allowed in your area:

1. Environmental Concerns

Backyard burials can have negative environmental impacts, especially if the burial site is near water sources. This can lead to contamination and pollution.

2. Health Concerns

Backyard burials can also pose health risks if not done properly. If the burial site is not deep enough or is not contained, it can attract animals and insects that can spread disease.

3. Property Value

Some areas may not allow backyard burials due to concerns about property values. Burial sites can be seen as unsightly and may deter potential buyers.

Alternatives to Backyard Burials

If backyard burials are not legal in your area or if you're uncomfortable with the idea, there are other options available. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

1. Pet Cemeteries

Pet cemeteries are dedicated spaces for pet burials. They offer a variety of services and often have options for personalized memorials.

2. Cremation

Cremation is a popular option for pet owners who want to keep their pet's ashes. You can choose to scatter the ashes in a special location or keep them in a decorative urn.

3. Memorial Gardens

Creating a memorial garden in your yard or a special location can be a great way to honor your pet's memory. You can plant flowers or trees and add personalized decorations to create a peaceful space.


In conclusion, the legality of backyard pet burials varies depending on where you live. If it's legal in your area, make sure to follow the guidelines and regulations to ensure a safe and respectful burial. If backyard burials are not allowed or if you're uncomfortable with the idea, there are other options available. What's most important is that you find a way to honor your pet's memory in a way that feels right for you.
